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Vizsla education
Everything you need to know about keeping and training Vizslas

We love Hungarian Vizslas! We originally developed the snuggle dreamer for this special breed of dog. As a breed of dog with little undercoat, they freeze quickly and therefore need a particularly warm place to sleep. They are also very sensitive animals that need peace and security every now and then when everyday life becomes particularly loud and stressful. But there is so much more to Vizslas than that, which is why we would like to introduce you to this great breed.

What do Hungarian Vizsla dogs look like?

Vizslas - also known as Hungarian Pointers - are a medium-sized breed that typically stand around 54 to 64 centimeters high at the shoulder. They have a long, straight back, an almost horizontal profile and a well-muscled chest. Their ears are long, flat, and hang on the sides of their head. Their fur is short and smooth, usually a shimmering red-gold that can vary from breadcrumb yellow to dark gold and copper. Their noses are usually reddish and match the fur.

Within this dog breed, a distinction is made between the short-haired Hungarian pointer and the wire-haired Hungarian pointer.
The Short-haired Hungarian Pointer has a short, smooth and close-fitting coat and an angular and athletic appearance, while the Wire-haired Hungarian Pointer has a 2 to 3 cm long and wiry coat.

What characteristics characterize them?
This dog breed is valued above all for its great character and is considered a particularly loyal companion - for life: Vizslas are usually playful, affectionate and attentive. They have a friendly and intelligent nature and form strong bonds with their owners. Even as puppies, they are very affectionate, loyal and playful and love to play and spend time with their family members. They are considered intelligent and obedient companions.

As hunting dogs, they are also naturally very quick to react and observe their surroundings very vigilantly. With their energetic nature, they need lots of exercise and activity. They love to hunt, sniff, run, play and swim. They are very active, alert, affectionate and value being close to their owners, but not only need physical exercise, but especially mental exercise too!
What other breeds are similar to Magyar Vizslas?
Breeds that have a similar but not entirely identical personality: German Shorthaired Pointer, Weimaraner, Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Gordon Setter and Irish Setter.
What is the history of the Magyar Vizsla dog breed?

The Magyar Vizsla is an ancient breed of dog that was originally bred in Hungary. The Hungarian race is believed to have originated more than a thousand years ago. In Hungary they were originally bred as hunting dogs or pointers - Magyar Vizslas are therefore also known as Hungarian pointers. They are one of the oldest Hungarian hunting dog breeds and are known for their ability to detect and track game without chasing it. The breed belongs to FCI Group 7 – Pointing Dogs – of the “Fédération Cynologique Internationale”. The FCI is an international association of cynological organizations dedicated to the preservation of dog breeding and dog sports.

Is the Vizsla a good family dog?
The Vizsla is a very affectionate, playful and intelligent dog that is ideal as a family dog ​​- because it loves being in the middle of life and spending time with its family and other people or dogs. Thanks to its original function as a pointing dog, it is also very attentive and intelligent. This requires gentle consistency in training, because Vizslas sometimes question their owners' commands.
When do Hungarian Vizslas reach maturity?
They are fully grown at around 2 years old. They usually reach their full height when they are between twelve and 15 months old. They then grow even further in width.
How big can an adult Hungarian Vizsla get?
An adult Hungarian Vizsla male can reach a shoulder height of 58 to 65 cm, a female between 54 and 60 cm. On average they weigh between 20 and 30 kg.
What needs to be taken into account when keeping Vizsla dogs?

• Vizslas are very energetic hunting dogs and require a lot of exercise and exercise. You should get up to three hours of vigorous exercise daily, such as walking, running, swimming, etc.

• They are very intelligent and therefore need regular exercise to keep their minds stimulated and not get bored.

• They are very social and require a lot of attention and affection. They should spend a lot of time with their owner so that they feel comfortable.

• They are extremely curious and tend to hunt and climb. Therefore, they should be kept on a leash in unfamiliar terrain or in the city so that they do not accidentally endanger themselves.

• You are extremely sensitive and feel comfortable in a calm, stress-free environment. They should not be kept in a noisy environment where they cannot retreat.

Early training for rest and relaxation is crucial due to the breed's energetic nature. Ideal: a safe, comfortable retreat to promote important periods of rest. This means the animal remains balanced even in quiet situations.

How much exercise does a Hungarian Vizsla need?
As hunting dogs, they need lots of exercise and regular exercise time to be healthy and happy. They need at least an hour of exercise every day, but they can be active for up to four hours a day. Magyar Vizslas need a lot of exercise and activity every day in order to have an outlet for their high energy.
What food should Vizslas get and how much should they eat per day?
Vizslas should be fed a high-quality, protein-rich food designed specifically for their needs. The amount of food they should receive per day depends on their age, activity level and weight. In general, they should be given an amount of food sufficient to meet their energy needs, twice per day. It is generally assumed that an adult Vizsla should receive between 600 and 900 grams of wet food or 250 and 330 grams of dry food throughout the day. These amounts vary depending on the feed composition and the activity of the animal.
Where does a Hungarian Vizsla prefer to sleep?
Hungarian Vizsla prefer to sleep close to their family. Because they love to be close to their owners - preferably in a dog house or a dog bed that is close to their owners' bed.
What requirements does this breed have for its sleeping space?
Magyar Vizslas love to sleep on cozy, soft and comfortable beds. A good dog bed should be sturdy, comfortable and easy to clean. It should also have a soft filling so that your dog can lie comfortably. A dog bed made of foam is best because it adapts to the dog's contours and is gentle on the joints.

In fact, Hungarian Vizslas prefer to sleep in a sheltered dog den because they get a sense of security and comfort while sleeping. Here they are warmed, feel safe and protected from external influences.
What should you consider when raising Magyar Vizslas?

When training Magyar Vizslas, the first thing to remember is what is important when training all dogs:

 • Set clear rules and boundaries: An important basis for successful parenting is a clear structure and clear rules. This will help the dog settle in more quickly and understand what you expect from him.

 • Consistency: In order for your dog to learn what is allowed and what is not, you as a dog owner must be consistent. Because if you give in even once, your dog won't change his behavior.

 • Rewards: The reward to be used may vary depending on the dog. Some dogs prefer treats, while others respond better to affection or their favorite toy. In any case, a reward can be very helpful in showing your dog that he has done something right. Just try out what he prefers!

 • Patience: Patience is probably the most important part of training dogs. Sometimes it just takes longer than expected for your dog to learn certain things. Don't give up too quickly and give your loved one the time to learn at their own pace.

• Contact with other dogs: It is very important that your dog always gets to know new dogs and comes into contact with them. Because, like us humans, he can only learn social behavior when he is together.

What special features should you take into account when training Magyar Vizslas?
Magyar Vizslas are very lively and trainable four-legged friends who enjoy being trained. They are playful, but therefore require consistent training. It is important that you set clear rules and boundaries for them that they must adhere to - and you as the dog owner must also remain disciplined: because raising a dog always takes two people.

However, physical punishment is a clear no-go! Dogs can also suffer not only physical but also psychological damage, which has long-lasting effects. Rewards are a more effective method of teaching your pet desired behavior. Since they are very sensitive, you should definitely be careful not to ask too much at once, but rather advance the education slowly and continuously.

Also important: Like all other breeds, Magyar Vizsla puppies need to be socialized early on so that they can learn how to behave towards other people and animals.
At what age should training of Magyar Vizslas begin?
It is best to start training a Magyar Vizsla when they are puppies. Puppy training should begin from the age of 8 to 10 weeks, as this is an important development period for Vizsla dogs. At this age they can understand some basic lessons that will allow them to build good relationships with people and other animals. From the second vaccination at around 12 weeks, taking part in puppy training at a dog school is a good opportunity to playfully learn additional social skills with other puppies and lay the foundation for successful upbringing.
What do you have to consider when raising Magyar Vizsla puppies?
Your Vizsla puppy should be taught as early as possible what he is allowed to do and what he is not allowed to do, how he should behave in various everyday situations and, above all, towards other people and dogs. When training Magyar Vizsla puppies, the most important thing is to be consistent, patient and use positive reinforcement. Regardless of whether she is a dog or a male: her energy, intelligence and enthusiasm make her your ideal companion for life.

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